Third-Party Services

Fixed-Fee Collections

Fast, Economical and Compliant Debt Recovery

Contacting the account early in the debt collection process with a third-party name will encourage consumers to resolve the issue promptly.

A third-party contact from a debt collection agency will cause consumers or business owners to ask themselves, “Why haven’t I resolved this?”

We start with a comprehensive data scrubbing process to identify customers who are unable or unlikely to pay (for example, customers who are deceased or have filed for bankruptcy). In cases of returned mail, bankruptcy, or deceased customers, there is no charge. for this service. This is just one of the ways we maximize your debt recovery, while minimizing your expenses and problems.

As we work through your portfolio of accounts, we continue to gather current information. We build a working history of your portfolio to make the most cost-effective recommendations for your company.

Our fixed-fee services are best implemented on accounts that are between 60 and 120 days past due. The fee is charged per account. Advantages of fixed fee include:

• It offers a softer – yet highly effective – approach to collections.
• It enhances your internal collection efforts by using a third-party name to recapture your consumers’ attention
• Recovered money is delivered straight to you.

Our online client web portal provides a transparent, early-stage third-party collection tool. You can view work history and performance reports. Our online client access also allows you to download updates that can be imported to your database.

Third Party Fixed Fee Collections
Third Party Contingency Fee Collections

Contingency-Fee Collections

Enhanced, Strategic Debt Recovery

FCS offers best-in-class debt recovery performance for our clients with our Enhanced Collections Process. We gather, purchase, and build data from a wide variety of sources.

Our use of data and analytics drives a dynamic collection work strategy that maximizes recovery for you while minimizing risk.

Based on our data analytics, we employ a wide variety of omni-channel communication tools (IVR, payment portal, chat, mail, phone, text, and email) to determine the optimal communication method and time of day to contact your customer and achieve resolution of the account.

We utilize all available tools to ensure your accounts are resolved in a compliant and efficient manner. And we do it all while maintaining your positive reputation.

Our Enhanced Collections Process is designed for clients that are looking for a complete debt collections service. Implementation of the service is best after an account has aged to 90 days past due.