More Money, Fewer Problems

Yes, it’s that easy. At FCS, we drive more money to your business, without causing any problems.

We Produce Results

We continuously invest in the latest technology; combined with more than 50 years of industry expertise to deliver results you can count on.

“Since the beginning, our team at FCS has been committed to providing you with the results and service you expect, plus a little bit more.” – Gary Adams, Executive Vice President

FCS Produces Results
FCS Protects Your Reputation

We Protect Your Reputation

FCS will improve your cash flow while protecting your reputation.

“We do the right thing for our clients and their customers.” – Chris Dunkum, President

How do we do this?

First, we open a new line of communication between you and your customer. Then, we work to resolve any disputes or challenges. Finally, we develop a plan that works for you and your customer to resolve the balance of the account.

FCS is Successful

Click below to learn about the strategic collection services we offer.